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August 22 ~~QUEENSHIP OF MARY~~Feast Day

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:33 am
by Maryschild


What is the origin and meaning of the liturgical celebration of
Mary as a queen?

Memorial of the Queenship of Mary, On August 22, the Roman
Catholic Church celebrates a memorial in honor of the Queenship
of Mary. This memorial is placed in the octave of the Assumption

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Why do we call Mary Queen?

Assumption and Coronation must be sharply distinguished. Whereas
the assumption has been the object of dogmatic definition (1950),
the coronation of Mary has never been more than a pious advocation
(rosary), an iconographic motif (since the twelfth century) and a
devotional custom (coronation of Mary statues known already in the
early middle ages). However, the coronation points to a Marian title
known in Christian tradition since from the beginning of the fourth century.

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Coronation of Mary

Brief History of Coronation
Since the Council of Nicea in 787, the Church has often asserted that it
is lawful to venerate images of Christ, Mary and the saints. This is an
ancient practice of the Christian churches...
