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By athenacp
Prayer for the Holy Souls

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.

In Your loving mercy, Father, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty.

Your only Son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives, and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifices, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your angels and saints, speak for us and assist them now. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.
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By athenacp
Novena for the Loving Souls in Purgatory.

This little Novena for the Holy Souls of Purgatory, will be for

Our Loved Ones, who have passed away and are awaiting our Lord's Forgiveness and Love, Amen.

For all the Souls of Purgatory and that we may pray for them, everyday of our mortal lives.

For the True Conversion of hardened sinners and for more Love and Peace in the World.

And for our personal prayer intentions, Amen.

Prayer to Our Suffering Savior for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

O most sweet Jesus, through the bloody sweat which Thou didst suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on these Blessed Souls. Have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel scourging, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most painful crowning with thorns, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in carrying Thy cross to Calvary, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel Crucifixion, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most bitter agony on the Cross, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the immense pain which Thou didst suffer in breathing forth Thy Blessed Soul, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

(Recommend yourself to the Souls in Purgatory and mention your intentions here)

Blessed Souls, I have prayed for thee; I entreat thee, who are so dear to God, and who are secure of never losing Him, to pray for me a miserable sinner, who is in danger of being damned, and of losing God forever. Amen

Written by St. Alphonsus Liguori this novena has prayers for each day which are followed by the Prayer to Our Suffering Savior for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Day 3

My God! because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things, and repent with my whole heart of my offenses against Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. And thou, Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory be.

Day 3
This life on earth is, as we have heard a thousand times, a time of merit.
When through the Church's indulgences we avail ourselves of the merits of Christ and of the saints, we can wipe away the guilt of forgiven sins and eliminate the punishment due to venial sins, as we can also do through penance and deeds of charity.

But once the soul enters purgatory, the time for that soul to gain merit is ended. When we suffer on earth, we can offer our suffering to God, increasing thereby our future happiness in heaven and canceling out the pains of purgatory. When a soul suffers in purgatory, he slowly and tediously cancels the debts of sins; he gains no further merit for heaven. Nor are there indulgences in purgatory, nor fresh use of the merits of Christ, of His Mother, and of the saints.

Thanks however to our union in the Mystical Body of Christ, thanks to the communion of the saints, we can gain merit for the suffering souls. We can win indulgences and apply them to the period of waiting of these souls. We can cut their sufferings and speed their entry into heaven by whatever of good that we offer for them on earth.

In all generosity we say for these souls who depend on us:

The Prayer for the Holy Souls

O God, the Creater and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of thy servants and handmaids departed, the remission of all their sins; that through pious supplications they may obtain the pardon they have always desired. Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Litanies for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven ,
Have mercy on the Souls of the Faithful departed.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on the Souls of the faithful departed.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on the Souls of the faithful departed.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on the Souls of the faithful departed.
Holy Mary ,
Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Holy Mother of God,
Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Saint Michael, etc.
Saint Gabriel,
All ye holy Angels and Archangels,
Saint John the Baptist,
Saint Joseph,
All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets,
Saint Peter,
Saint Paul,
Saint John,
All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists,
Saint Stephen,
Saint Lawrence,
All ye holy Martyrs,
Saint Gregory,
Saint Ambrose,
All ye holy bishops and confessors,
Saint Mary Magdalen,
Saint Catherine,
All ye holy Virgins and widows,
All ye Saints of God,
Make intercession for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Be merciful,
Spare them, O Lord.
Be merciful,
Hear them, O Lord.
From all evil,
O Lord, deliver them.
From Thy wrath,
O Lord, deliver them.
From the flame of fire, etc.
From the region of the shadow of death,
Through Thine Immaculate Conception,
Through Thy Nativity,
Through Thy Most Holy Name,
Through the multitude of Thy tender mercies, Through Thy most bitter Passion,
Through Thy most Sacred Wounds,
Through Thy most Precious Blood,
Through Thine ignominious death, by which
Thou hast destroyed our death,

We sinners,
We beseech Thee, hear us.
O Thou Who didst absolve the sinner woman and hear the prayer of the good thief,
We beseech Thee, hear us.
That thou wouldst release our deceased parents, relations and benefactors
from the bonds of their sins and the punishment for them, etc.
That Thou wouldst hasten the day of visiting Thy faithful detained in the receptacles
of sorrow, and wouldst transport them to the city of eternal peace,
That Thou wouldst shorten the time of expiation for their sins and graciously
admit them into the holy sanctuary, into which no unclean thing can enter,
That through the prayers and alms of Thy Church, and especially by the inestimable
Sacrifice of Thy Holy Altar, Thou wouldst receive them into the tabernacle of rest
and crown their longing hopes with everlasting fruition,
Son of God,

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant them eternal rest.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant them eternal rest.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant them eternal rest.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, etc.

V. And lead us not into temptation,
R. But deliver us from all evil. Amen.
V. From the gates of Hell,
R. Deliver their Souls, O Lord.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer ,
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

Let Us Pray.

O God, Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the Souls of Thy
departed servants the remission of all their sins, that through our pious
supplications they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.

O God, the Giver of pardon and the Lover of the salvation of men, we beg Thy clemency on behalf of our brethren, kinsfolk and benefactors who have departed this life, that by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, Thou wouldst receive them into the joys of Thine everlasting kingdom. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.

O God, to Whom it belongs always to have mercy and to spare, be favorably propitious to the Souls of Thy servants and grant them the remission of all their sins, that being delivered from the bonds of this mortal life, they may be admitted to life everlasting. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.

Short Version

For Private Use Only.

The just shall be in everlasting remembrance;
He shall not fear the evil hearing.

V. Absolve, O Lord, the souls of the faithful departed from every bond of sin,
R. And by the help of Thy grace may they be enabled to escape
the avenging judgment, and to enjoy the happiness of eternal life.

Because in Thy mercy are deposited the souls that
departed in an inferior degree of grace,
Lord, have mercy.
Because their present suffering is greatest in the knowledge
of the pain that their separation from Thee is causing Thee,
Lord, have mercy.
Because of their present inability to add to Thy accidental glory, etc.
Not for our consolation, O Lord; not for their release from purgative pain, O God;
but for Thy joy and the greater accidental honor of Thy throne, O Christ the King,

For the souls of our departed friends, relations and benefactors,
Grant light and peace, O Lord.
For those of our family who have fallen asleep in Thy bosom,
O Jesus, grant light and peace, O Lord.
For those who have gone to prepare our place, etc.
(For those who were our brothers [or sisters] in Religion,)
For priests who were our spiritual directors,
For men or women who were our teachers in school,
For those who were our employers (or employees),
For those who were our associates in daily toil,
For any soul whom we ever offended,
For our enemies now departed,
For those souls who have none to pray for them,
For those forgotten by their friends and kin,
For those now suffering the most,
For those who have acquired the most merit,
For the souls next to be released from Purgatory,
For those who, while on earth, were most devoted to God the Holy Ghost,
to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, to the holy Mother of God,
For all deceased popes and prelates,
For all deceased priests, seminarians and religious,
For all our brethren in the Faith everywhere,
For all our separated brethren who deeply loved Thee,
and would have come into Thy household had they known the truth,
For those souls who need, or in life asked, our prayers,
For those, closer to Thee than we are, whose prayers we need,

That those may be happy with Thee forever, who on earth
were true exemplars of the Catholic Faith, grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
That those may be admitted to Thine unveiled Presence,
who as far as we know never committed mortal sin,
grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
That those may be housed in glory, who lived always in recollection and prayer, etc.
That those may be given the celestial joy of beholding Thee,
who lived lives of mortification and , self-denial and penance,
That those may be flooded with Thy love, who denied themselves even Thy
favors of indulgence and who made the heroic act for the souls
who had gone before them,
That those may be drawn up to the Beatific Vision,
who never put obstacles in the way of sanctifying grace and
who ever drew closer in mystical union with Thee,

V. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord,
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

Let Us Pray.

Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servants and handmaids, N. and N., who are gone
before us with the sign of faith and repose in the sleep of grace. To these, O Lord,
and to all who rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment,
light and peace, through the same Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.
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By athenacp
Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great

Our Lord dictated the following prayer to St. Gertrude the Great to release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each times it is said.

"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."

St. Gertrude's life was the mystic life of the Cloister - a Benedictine nun. She meditated on the Passion of Christ, which many times brought a flood of tears to her eyes. She did many penances and Our Lord appeared to her many times. She had a tender love for the Blessed Virgin and was very devoted to the suffering souls in Purgatory. She died in 1334. Her feast day is November 16th.
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By athenacp
Twelve Days of Prayer for the Holy Souls

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.

In Your loving mercy, Father, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty.

Your only Son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives, and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifices, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your angels and saints, speak for us and assist them now. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.

Day 1

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. - Matthew 5:5

REFLECTION: The pain of loss and separation at death is hard to bear. Let us turn to God, the Author of Life, for comfort and consolation in sorrow. God sends us every trial for a greater good. For love of us, remember, He did not spare His only Son.

PRAYER: O Lord, God, have pity on us and the departed souls so dear to us, and relieve our pain and grief. By the suffering of Christ, our Savior, in His agony and passion have mercy on all our beloved dead. Assist us, too, to greater faith in Your goodness. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 2

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord! Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. - Psalm 130:1-2

REFLECTION: Let us think often of those souls suffering as they are purified of their earthly faults and failings. They endure the pain of separation from God, and yet are consoled by the certainty of their salvation. God's beauty attracts them even as the weight of their unworthiness holds them. They need and cry to us for help.

PRAYER: Have pity, O Lord, our God, on all who patiently await the joy of Your presence. Forgive their sins and failings, and in Your goodness summon them soon to You. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 3

Have pity on me, have pity on me, O you, my friends, for the hand of God has touched me. - Job 19:21

REFLECTION: By our offering of Mass, and our faithfulness in prayer and good works, we help those dear to us who may still remain in purgatory. Those we aid on the last stage of their journey home to God will never forget us for our help in their hour of need.

PRAYER: Lord, our God, may the merits of Jesus Christ, of His virgin Mother, and of all the saints intercede for us and assist those who still patiently await the vision of Your glory. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 4

We want you to be quite certain about those who have died, to make sure that you do not grieve about them, like the other people who have no hope. - 1 Thessalonians 4:12

REFLECTION: We can always be close to those we love who have died when we, ourselves, draw closer to Christ. We help them best by a useful and devout life, by the offering of Mass for them, and by constant prayer and good deeds done in their memory.

PRAYER: Help us, Lord, our God, to honor and help our beloved dead by doing Your will faithfully each day. May the merits of our Lady and the saints aid us to do so. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 5

It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be freed from their sins. - 2 Machabees 12:45

REFLECTION: How easy and human it is to forget with the passing of time those we loved so dearly while they lived! We should pray for them often in gratitude for their kindness to us, and the good example they gave us in times past.

PRAYER: Come to our aid, O God, and help us to pray faithfully for our dear dead. By Your grace enable us to honor their memory by a good Christian life so that we may one day happily join them in Your Holy presence. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 6

In the eyes of the unwise they seemed to die, but they are at peace. - Wisdom 3:3

REFLECTION: God loves our dear departed much more than we ever can. He called them home to Himself at the time He did because it was then best for them and for us. Be consoled, then, that they are now safe in His hands where no malice or torment can touch them.

PRAYER: O Lord, our God, teach us to see Your good and gracious purpose working in all our trials and bereavement. Have mercy on our dear departed whom we commend to You, forgive them their sins and failings, and give them rest everlasting. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 7

Open to me the gates of righteousness that I may enter through them, and give thanks to the Lord. - Psalm 118:19

REFLECTION: Those whom we loved in life are closer to us now with God than they ever were on earch. Only a thin veil separates us from the unseen world in which they now live. Faith pierces that veil though our bodily eyes cannot. We should pray as constantly for our dear dead as they never fail to pray for us.

PRAYER: O Lord, our God, show us the reality of Your divine life, and help us to pray often in faith for and to those we love who are now with You. Please help us by the merit our Blessed Lady gained beneath Christ's cross to be patient, faithful, and loving. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 8

Our feet are now standing inside your gates, O Jerusalem. Since the Lord, our God, dwells here, I pray for your happiness. - Psalm 122:2, 9

REFLECTION: Those we love, who have gone before us into life, are as concerned for our welfare as we should be for theirs. Now, they see the world for what it is, a preparation for the unending bliss they enjoy. They intercede for us always.

PRAYER: O Lord, our God, by the prayers of our beloved dead may we be spared sin and trouble on our earthly journey, and may we ever be ready by obeying Your commandments to follow them home. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 9

When the Lord brought Zion's captives home, at first it seemed like a dream; then our mouths filled with laughter and our lips with song. - Psalm 126:1-2

REFLECTION: We should be comforted often by recalling the joy of our departed as they entered God's presence. They have gained their heart's desire and with Him everlasting happiness. They wait for us to join them there.

PRAYER: O Lord, our God, increase our faith. Inspire us to pray often for the faithful departed still being purified, and to pray to those already in the glory of Your presence. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 10

For we know that when the tent that we live in on earth is folded up, there is a house built by God for us in heaven, an everlasting home not made by human hands. - 2 Corinthians 5:1

REFLECTION: As we think and pray for those now dead who were close to us here below, we should remember how certain it is that we will one day join them. Now is our time to make ready.

Be with us, Lord, our God, on our earthly journey. Please guide us safely to the eternal home You have prepared for us. When our way is hard, give us a vision in faith of the splendor of that heavenly home. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 11

For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21

REFLECTION: When we are ever intent on God's will, and eager for His kingdom to come, we are living worthy of the promises of Christ. When God calls us home, our work will be finished here, and He will give us Himself as our eternal reward.

PRAYER: Help us each day, O Lord, our God, to meet our daily tasks in the spirit of Christ whether our work seems important in the eyes of the world or not. Preserve us from every evil, and confirm us in doing good so that death, when it comes, will be for us the door to perpetual life with You. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Day 12

When this perishable nature has put on imperishability, and when this mortal nature has put on immortality, then the scripture will come true: Death is swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? - 1 Corinthians 15:55

REFLECTION: Christ's Easter victory over sin and death is our assurance of our own future life of unfading glory when "death shall be no more."

PRAYER: May Your Holy Spirit ever remain with us, O Lord, our God, to keep us faithful to Your word, and always ready by enduring with Christ to share His victory over sin and death. Amen.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

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By athenacp

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.
In Your loving mercy, Father of all, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty. Your Son, Christ our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from Purgatory. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifice, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your Angels and Saints, speak for us and assist them now. This we ask in Christ's name. Amen.
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By athenacp
Prayer for Mercy for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Have Mercy, O gentle Jesus! on the Souls detained in Purgatory. Thou Who for their ransom
didst take upon Thyself our human nature and suffer the most cruel death, pity their sighs
and the tears shed when they raise their longing eyes toward Thee; and by virtue of
Thy Passion, cancel the penalty due to their sins.

May Thy Blood, O tender Jesus, Thy Precious Blood, descend into Purgatory
to solace and refresh those who there languish in captivity. Reach forth Thy
hand to them, and lead them into the realms of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.

Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, set free the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
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By athenacp
Prayer To Jesus And Mary For The Holy Souls

MOST LOVING Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee that Thou wouldst Thyself offer to Thine eternal Father, on behalf of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Thy Most Precious Blood, which poured forth from the Sacred Wounds of Thine adorable Body, together with Thine agony and death.

And do thou likewise, O sorrowful Virgin Mary, present unto the Heavenly Father, together with the dolorous passion of thy dear Son, thine own sighs and tears, and all the sorrows thou didst suffer in His suffering, in order that, through the merits of the same, refreshment may be granted to the souls now suffering in the fiery torments of Purgatory, so that, being delivered from that painful prison, they may be clothed with glory in Heaven, there to sing the mercies of God for ever and ever. Amen.

Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin, that by Thy gracious assistance they may deserve to escape the judgement of vengeance and enjoy the blessedness of everlasting light. Amen.

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By athenacp
by Arinze Ani
Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

O most sweet Jesus,
through the bloody sweat which Thou didst suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane,
have mercy on these Blessed Souls.
Have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel scourging,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most painful crowning with thorns,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the pains which Thou didst suffer in carrying Thy cross to Calvary,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel Crucifixion,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most bitter agony on the Cross,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus,
through the immense pain which Thou didst suffer in breathing forth Thy Blessed Soul,
have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

(State your intention(s) here while recommending yourself to the souls in Purgatory.)

Blessed Souls, I have prayed for thee;
I entreat thee, who are so dear to God,
and who are secure of never losing Him,
to pray for me a miserable sinner,
who is in danger of being damned,
and of losing God forever.



Jesus, my Saviour, I have so often deserved to be cast into hell.
how great would be my suffering if I were now cast away
and obliged to think that I myself had caused my damnation.
I thank Thee for the patience with which Thou hast endured me.
My God, I love Thee above all things
and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
because Thou art infinite goodness.
I will rather die than offend Thee again.
Grant me the grace of perseverance.
Have pity on me and at the same time
on those blessed souls suffering in Purgatory.
Mary, Mother of God,
come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


Woe to me, unhappy being,
so many years have I already spent on earth
and have earned naught but hell!
I give Thee thanks, O Lord,
for granting me time even now to atone for my sins.
My good God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee.
Send me Thy assistance,
that I may apply the time yet remaining to me
for Thy love and service;
have compassion on me, and,
at the same time,
on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory.
O Mary, Mother of God,
come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


My God! because Thou art infinite goodness,
I love Thee above all things,
and repent with my whole heart of my offenses against Thee.
Grant me the grace of holy perseverance.
Have compassion on me,
and, at the same,
on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory.
And thou, Mary, Mother of God,
come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


My God! because Thou art infinite goodness,
I am sorry with my whole heart for having offended Thee.
I promise to die rather than ever offend Thee more.
Give me holy perseverance;
have pity on me,
and have pity on those holy souls
that burn in the cleansing fire
and love Thee with all their hearts.
O Mary, Mother of God,
assist them by thy powerful prayers.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


Woe to me, unhappy being, if Thou, O Lord,
hadst cast me into hell;
for from that dungeon of eternal pain there is no deliverance.
I love Thee above all things,
O infinite God and I am sincerely sorry for having offended Thee again.
Grant me the grace of holy perseverance.
Have compassion on me,
and, at the same time,
on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory.
O Mary, Mother of God,
come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


My Divine Redeemer,
Thou didst die for me on the Cross,
and hast so often united Thyself with me in Holy Communion,
and I have repaid Thee only with ingratitude.
Now, however, I love Thee above all things,
O supreme God;
and I am more grieved at my offences against Thee than at any other evil.
I will rather die than offend Thee again.
Grant me the grace of holy perseverance.
Have compassion on me, and, at the same time,
on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory.
Mary, Mother of God,
come to their aid with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


God, Father of Mercy,
satisfy this their ardent desire!
Send them Thy holy Angel to announce to them that Thou, their Father,
are now reconciled with them through the suffering and death of Jesus,
and that the moment of their deliverance has arrived.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


Oh my God! I also am one of these ungrateful beings,
having received so much grace,
and yet despised Thy love and deserved to be cast by Thee into hell.
But Thy infinite goodness has spared me until now.
Therefore, I now love Thee above all things,
and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee.
I will rather die than ever offend Thee.
Grant me the grace of holy perseverance.
Have compassion on me and,
at the same time,
on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory.
Mary, Mother of God,
come to their aid with thy powerful intercession.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory .


My God! How was it possible that I,
for so many years, have borne tranquilly the separation from Thee
and Thy holy grace!
O infinite Goodness,
how long-suffering hast Thou shown Thyself to me!
Henceforth, I shall love Thee above all things.
I am deeply sorry for having offended Thee;
I promise rather to die than to again offend Thee.
Grant me the grace of holy perseverance,
and do not permit that I should ever again fall into sin.
Have compassion on the holy souls in Purgatory.
I pray Thee, moderate their sufferings;
shorten the time of their misery;
call them soon unto Thee in heaven,
that they may behold Thee face to face,
and forever love Thee.
Mary, Mother of Mercy,
come to their aid with thy powerful intercession,
and pray for us also who are still in danger of eternal damnation.

Say the following prayers:

1 Our Father...
1 Hail Mary...
The above Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
User avatar
By athenacp
by Arinze Ani
O Jesus, Thou didst suffer and die
that all mankind might be saved
and brought to eternal happiness.
Through the Agony of Thine Crown of Thorns
I offer it to Thy Eternal Father
that Thou wilt hear our pleas
for further mercy on the souls of:

My dear parents and grandparents,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My brothers and sisters and other near relatives,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My godparents and sponsors of Confirmation,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My spiritual and temporal benefactors,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My friends and neighbors,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

All for whom love or duty bids me pray,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who have offended me,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who have suffered disadvantage of harm through me,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are especially beloved by Thee,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose release is near at hand,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who desire most to be united to Thee,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who endure the greatest suffering,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose release is most remote,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are least remembered,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are most deserving on account of their services to the Church,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The rich who are now the most destitute,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The mighty who are now powerless,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The once spiritually blind, who now see their folly,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The frivolous, who spent their time in idleness,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The poor, who did not seek the treasures of Heaven,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The tepid, who devoted little time to prayer,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The indolent, who neglected to perform good works,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those of little faith,
who neglected the frequent reception of the Sacraments,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The habitual sinners,
who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Parents who failed to watch over their children,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Superiors who were not solicitous
for the salvation of those entrusted to them,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who strove for worldly riches and pleasures,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The worldly minded,
who failed to use their wealth and talents in the service of God,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who witnessed the death of others, but would not think of their own,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who blasphemed and committed sacrilege without due reparation,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who violated the dignity of the human body and mind through impurity,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are in Purgatory because of me,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who did not provide for the life hereafter,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose sentence is severe
because of the great things entrusted to them,
The popes, kings and rulers,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The bishops and their counselors,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My teachers and spiritual advisors,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The deceased priests of this diocese,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The priests and religious of the Catholic Church,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

The defenders of the holy Catholic Faith,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who die on the battlefield,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who fought for their country,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who were buried in the sea,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who died suddenly, in accidents and from other causes,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who died of sudden illness,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who suffered and died of lingering illnesses,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who died without the last rites of the Church,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

For those who procured abortions or aborted their children,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

For those who promoted or practiced contraception,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

For those who gave scandal, especially to children,
My Jesus, mercy and relief through Thy Sacred Wounds

My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat.


Eternal rest grant unto all of these, O Lord;
and let the perpetual light of Thine countenance
shine upon them soon.


Arinze Ani
User avatar
By athenacp
by Arinze Ani

Lord our God, receive our supplications,
prayers and mortifications and sighs
in suffrage for the holy souls for whom we make this novena;
and we pray that by the motherly love
bestowed on you by your most holy Mother,
when she followed you on the way of sorrow up to Mount Calvary,
and grant what we ask of you in this novena
for your greater honour and glory.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Merciful God, we beseech you,
by the pain which your Holy Mother saw you suffer
and agonise on the cross,
that the holy souls in purgatory be freed from those pains;
especially for the soul of _____________,
for whom we are praying and offering in This novena.
Bring those who are submerged in their sins
to a true knowledge of their guilt
and grant what we ask of you in this novena,
for your greater honour and glory.


Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Almighty Father, to whom nobody asks without the hope of receiving,
by the intercession of St. Joseph
and the Blessed Virgin Mary,
enable the suffering souls in purgatory
to be able to leave that place,
especially for the soul of ____________.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Gracious God,
through whose mercy the saints rest in glory,
we beg you to set free those blessed souls in purgatory,
especially for the soul of___________,
for whom we are praying in this novena.
May you radiate your compassion and love
to them so they may enter into your Kingdom.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Souvereign Lord,
in whom it is proper to be merciful,
through the intercession of St. Michael, the archangel,
and by the sorrow of your Blessed Mother
who suffered when the soldier pierced your side with a lance,
have mercy on the soul of __________
for whom we are offering this novena
and bring him/her to your eternal rest in heaven,
for the better glory and honour of your name.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Lord Jesus Christ,
incline your ears to our petitions.
Have mercy on the souls in purgatory,
especially for the soul of_______
for whom we make this novena.
We humbly ask you to set them free
and bring them to the happiness in heaven,
for the greater glory and honour of your name.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Lord of mercy, hear our prayer.
May our brother/sister _______,
whom you called your son/daughter on earth,
enter into the Kingdom of peace and light,
where your saints live in glory.
We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Creator and Redeemer of all mankind,
through the infinite merits of passion,
death and resurrection,
we beg you to shower the immense treasures of your clemency
on those blessed souls,
especially for the eternal repose of the soul of ___________.
Bring those who are in sin
to a true knowledge and repentance
and grant what we ask for in this novena,
through Christ, our Lord.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of


Lord God, you are the glory of the believers
and the life of the just.
Your Son redeemed us by dying and rising to life again.
Our brother/sister ________________,
was faithful and believed in the resurrection.
Give to him/her the joys and the blessings of the life to come.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.

All: AMEN.

Leader: Jesus, through your blood on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your carrying of the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your face covered with blood which
you allowed to be imprinted on the veil of Veronica,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your garments which were cruely removed from your wounded body,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross,
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul of

Leader: Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water.
Response (All): Have mercy on the soul o
User avatar
By athenacp
by Arinze Ani
O JESUS, Thou didst suffer and die
that all mankind might be saved
and brought to eternal happiness.
Through the Agony of Thine Crown of Thorns
I offer it to Thy Eternal Father
that Thou wilt hear our pleas
for further the grace of final perseverance
for the just and mercy on sinners:

My dear parents and grandparents,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My brothers and sisters and other near relatives,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My godparents and sponsors of Confirmation,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My spiritual and temporal benefactors,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My friends and neighbors,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

All for whom love or duty bids me pray,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who have offended me,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who will offend me,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who have suffered disadvantage of harm through me,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whom I, still a sinner, will offend,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are especially beloved by Thee,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose death is near at hand,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who desire most to be united to Thee,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who endure the greatest sufferings and trials,
especially spiritual torments,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose death is most remote,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those sinners have no one to pray for them,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are most deserving
on account of their services to the Church,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The rich who do not need Thee and are thus the most destitute,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The mighty who spurn Thee,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The spiritually blind, that they might see their folly,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The frivolous, who spend their time in idleness,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The poor, who do not seek the treasures of Heaven,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The tepid, who devote little time to prayer,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The indolent, who neglect to perform good works,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those of little faith,
who neglect the frequent reception of the Sacraments,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The habitual sinners,
who require for their salvation to a miracle of grace,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Parents who fail to watch over their children,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Superiors who are not solicitous
for the salvation of those entrusted to them,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who strive for worldly riches and pleasures,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The worldly minded,
who fail to use their wealth and talents in the service of God,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who witness the death of others,
but do not think of their own,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who blaspheme and commit sacrilege,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who violate the dignity of the human body
and mind through impurity,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who sin because of my sins and bad example,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who do not provide for the life hereafter,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those whose judgment will be severe
because of the great things entrusted to them,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The pope, kings and rulers,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The bishops and their counselors,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My teachers and spiritual advisors,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The priests of this diocese,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The priests and religious of the Catholic Church,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

The defenders of the holy Catholic Faith,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who die on the battlefield,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who fight for their country,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who will be buried in the sea,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who are to die suddenly, in accidents and from other causes,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who will die of heart attacks,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who suffer with cancer,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who suffer with AIDS,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who shall die without the last rites of the Church,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For Catholic apostates, heretics, and other unbelievers,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For Catholics who hold Masonic membership
or in other secret societies,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For the conversion of the Jews, Thy chosen people of old,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For abortionsists and those who aid them,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For women who seek abortions,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For those who promote or practicre contraception,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

For those who give scandal, especially to children,
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds

My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat.
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through Thy Sacred Wounds


Final perseverance and pardon grant unto all of these, O Lord;
and let Thy graces through these petitions
flow unto them and be fruitful.

User avatar
By athenacp
A Week of Prayers for the Holy Souls
Prayer for SundayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee, by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed in the garden, deliver the souls in Purgatory and especially that soul amongst them all which is most destitute of spiritual aid; and vouchsafe to bring it to Thy glory, there to praise and bless Thee forever. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for MondayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed in His cruel scourging, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially that soul amongst them all, which is nearest to its entrance into Thy glory; so it may forthwith begin to praise and bless Thee forever. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for TuesdayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed in His bitter crowning with thorns, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and in particular that one amongst them all which would be the last to depart out of those pains, that it may come to praise Thee in Thy glory and bless Thee forever. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for WednesdayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed in the streets of Jerusalem, when He carried the Cross upon His sacred shoulders, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially that soul which is richest in merits before Thee; so that it may magnify Thee and bless Thee forever. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for ThursdayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee, by the Precious Body and Blood of They Divine Son, which He gave with His own hands upon the eve of His Passion to His beloved Apostles, and which He left to His whole Church to be a perpetual sacrifice, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially that one which was most devoted to this mystery of infinite love, that it may ever praise Thee for Thy love, in eternal glory. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for FridayO Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee, by the Precious Blood which Thy Divine Son Jesus shed on this day upon the wood of the Cross, especially from His most sacred hands and feet, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and in particular that soul for which I am most bound to pray; that no neglect of mine may hinder it from praising Thee in Thy glory and blessing Thee forever. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Prayer for SaturdayO Lord God Almighty, I beseech Thee by the Precious Blood which gushed forth from they side of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in the sight and to the extreme pain of His most holy Mother, deliver the souls in purgatory, and especially that one which was the most devoted to her; that it may soon attain unto Thy glory, there to praise Thee, world without end. Amen.
Our Father… Hail Mary…

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

User avatar
By athenacp
Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

This Novena, written by St. Alphonsus Liguori, has different prayers for each of the 9 days, followed by the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory which is at the bottom of the section.

First Day:
Jesus, my Saviour I have so often deserved to be cast into hell how great would be my suffering if I were now cast away and obliged to think that I myself had caused my damnation. I thank Thee for the patience with which Thou hast endured me. My God, I love Thee above all things and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee because Thou art infinite goodness. I will rather die than offend Thee again. Grant me the grace of perseverance. Have pity on me and at the same time on those blessed souls suffering in Purgatory. Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Second Day:
Woe to me, unhappy being, so many years have I already spent on earth and have earned naught but hell! I give Thee thanks, O Lord, for granting me time even now to atone for my sins. My good God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. Send me Thy assistance, that I may apply the time yet remaining to me for Thy love and service; have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. O Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Third Day:
My God! because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things, and repent with my whole heart of my offenses against Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. And thou, Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Fourth Day:
My God! because Thou art infinite goodness, I am sorry with my whole heart for having offended Thee. I promise to die rather than ever offend Thee more. Give me holy perseverance; have pity on me, and have pity on those holy souls that burn in the cleansing fire and love Thee with all their hearts. O Mary, Mother of God, assist them by thy powerful prayers.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Fifth Day:
Woe to me, unhappy being, if Thou, O Lord, hadst cast me into hell; for from that dungeon of eternal pain there is no deliverance. I love Thee above all things, O infinite God and I am sincerely sorry for having offended Thee again. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. O Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Sixth Day:
My Divine Redeemer, Thou didst die for me on the Cross, and hast so often united Thyself with me in Holy Communion, and I have repaid Thee only with ingratitude. Now, however, I love Thee above all things, O supreme God; and I am more grieved at my offences against Thee than at any other evil. I will rather die than offend Thee again. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Seventh Day:
God, Father of Mercy, satisfy this their ardent desire! Send them Thy holy Angel to announce to them that Thou, their Father, are now reconciled with them through the suffering and death of Jesus, and that the moment of their deliverance has arrived.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Eighth Day:
Oh my God! I also am one of these ungrateful beings, having received so much grace, and yet despised Thy love and deserved to be cast by Thee into hell. But Thy infinite goodness has spared me until now. Therefore, I now love Thee above all things, and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I will rather die than ever offend Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me and, at the same time, on the holy souls suffering in Purgatory. Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with thy powerful intercession.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Ninth Day:
My God! How was it possible that I, for so many years, have borne tranquilly the separation from Thee and Thy holy grace! O infinite Goodness, how long-suffering hast Thou shown Thyself to me! Henceforth, I shall love Thee above all things. I am deeply sorry for having offended Thee; I promise rather to die than to again offend Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance, and do not permit that I should ever again fall into sin. Have compassion on the holy souls in Purgatory. I pray Thee, moderate their sufferings; shorten the time of their misery; call them soon unto Thee in heaven, that they may behold Thee face to face, and forever love Thee. Mary, Mother of Mercy, come to their aid with thy powerful intercession, and pray for us also who are still in danger of eternal damnation.

Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory below

Prayer to Our Suffering Saviour for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

O most sweet Jesus, through the bloody sweat which Thou didst suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on these Blessed Souls. Have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel scourging, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most painful crowning with thorns, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in carrying Thy cross to Calvary, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel Crucifixion, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most bitter agony on the Cross, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

O most sweet Jesus, through the immense pain which Thou didst suffer in breathing forth Thy Blessed Soul, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

(Recommend yourself to the Souls in Purgatory and mention your intentions here)

Blessed Souls, I have prayed for thee; I entreat thee, who are so dear to God, and who are secure of never losing Him, to pray for me a miserable sinner, who is in danger of being damned, and of losing God forever. Amen.

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By athenacp
Prayer to Holy Souls in Purgatory

Oh holy souls in purgatory, you are the certain heirs of heaven. You are most dear to Jesus as the trophies of His Precious Blood and to Mary, mother of mercy. Obtain for me through your intercession the grace to lead a holy life, to die a happy death, and to attain to the blessedness of eternity in heaven.

Dear suffering souls, who long to be delivered in order to praise and glorify God in heaven, by your unfailing pity help me in the needs which distress me at this time, particularly {mention your petition} so that I may obtain relief and assistance from God.

In gratitude for your intercession I offer to God in your behalf the satisfactory merits of my prayer and work, my joys and sufferings of this day.
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By athenacp
Petition to Mary for the Suffering Souls

O Immaculate Mother, Queen of Heaven, hear the cries of your suffering children in purgatory and intercede for them at the throne of the Almighty. Behold in them, O Mother most faithful, the image of your Divine Son Who offered Himself in their behalf. Recall His bitter passion and death, and see in them His very sufferings. We feel confident, then, O Mother of Mercy, that you will obtain their liberation; so that they, in union with you and the choir of Heaven, may contemplate the Beatific Vision in heaven forever. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.

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By athenacp
Prayer for the Holy Souls

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.

In Your loving mercy, Father, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty.

Your only Son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives, and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifices, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your angels and saints, speak for us and assist them now. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.
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By athenacp
Prayer For the Most Forgotten Soul

O Lord God Almighty, I beseech Thee by the Precious Body and Blood of Thy divine Son Jesus,
which He Himself on the night before His Passion gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles
and bequeathed to His Holy Church to be the perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people,
deliver the souls in purgatory, but most of all, that soul which was most devoted to this Mystery of infinite love,
in order that it may praise Thee therefore, together with Thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit in Thy glory for ever.
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By athenacp

Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life.
In Your loving mercy, Father of all, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty. Your Son, Christ our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from Purgatory. By His merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives and friends. Nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifice, and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your Angels and Saints, speak for us and assist them now. This we ask in Christ's name. Amen.
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By Maryschild


A favorite devotion of mine! Thank you for all these beautiful prayers!

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By athenacp

O My God, I beg of Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, through the merits of the Precious Blood offered Thee in every Mass throughout the world, to grant that this day one mortal sin may be averted, one soul in doubt may be converted to the truth, one soul about to die in sin may receive the grace of repentance and a happy death, and the deliverance of that soul in Purgatory which is nearest Heaven. I wish by this offering to console the Heart of Jesus in agony for the souls lost through the teaching of error against the true Church of Christ, Jesus, Our Lord. Amen.

Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying. Heart of Jesus, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory, be not severe in Thy judgments, but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon them and send, O Merciful Savior, Thy Angels to conduct them to a place of light, refreshment, and peace. Amen.

Mother of Sorrows! Mother of Christ! Thou hadst influence with thy Divine Son when on earth, thou doth have the same influence now in Heaven, pray for me, obtain from thy Divine Son my request, if it be His Holy Will.

Prayers taken from The Purgatorian Manual, by Catholic Men for Christ the King, New York; Prayers and Heavenly Promises, Compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz; and a Prayer Leaflet published by JMJ Book Co,. Wisconsin, with Ecclesiastical Approval.
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By athenacp
Special Rosary for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
The Sorrowful Mysteries

1) Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your bloody sweat of fear that You shed on the Mount of Olives, we ask You to have Mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory! Deliver them from their fear and pain and console them with the Cup of Heavenly Comfort!

First Mystery - The Agony in the Garden

Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them.

The Fatima prayer.... O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy

Second Mystery - The Scourging at the Pillar

2) Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your painful Scourging which You tolerated so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have Mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory! Retract from them the pain of Your Anger and give them Eternal Relief.

Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them. The Fatima prayer...

Third Mystery - The Crowning of Thorns

3) Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crowning which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory and give them the crown of Eternal Delight!

Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them. The Fatima prayer...

Fourth Mystery - The Carrying of the Cross

4) Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your painful Carrying of the Cross, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have Mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory! Remove from them the heavy burden of suffering and lead them into Eternal Peace!

Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them. The Fatima prayer. ..
Fifth Mystery - Jesus Dies on the Cross

5) Lord, Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crucifixion, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You have Mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory! Turn Your Holy Face toward them and let them today be in Paradise with You !

Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them. TIre Fatima prayer. ..

After the fifth decade we pray:

Lord, Jesus Christ, through your five Holy Wounds and through all of Your Sacred Blood that You shed, we ask You to have Mercy on the Poor Souls in Purgatory , and in particular for our parents, relatives, spiritual guides, and benefactors! Heal their painful wounds and let them enjoy and participate fully in Your Salvation. Amen.

1. Hail Holy Queen:

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray:

O God, Whose only begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation. Grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these Mysteries of the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

2. Prayer to St. Michael:

Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in the hour of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast Satan down to hell, and with him all the wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruination of souls. Amen

3. The Memorare:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother! To thee I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

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By athenacp
Tenth Petition of the Jesus Psalter

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus — Send me here my purgatory. (Repeat three times)

Jesus, send me here my purgatory, and so prevent the torments of that cleansing fire, which attend those souls in the next world that have not been purged enough in this.

Vouchsafe to grant me those merciful crosses and afflictions which Thou seest necessary for the taking of mine affections and from all things here below.

Since no-one can see Thee who loveth anything which is not for Thy sake, suffer not my heart to find any rest here, but to sighing after Thee.

Too bitter, alas! will be the anguish of a soul that is separated from Thee, that desireth but cannot come to Thee, being clogged with the heavy chains of sin.

Here, then, O my Saviour, keep me continually mortified to this world, that being thoroughly purified by the fire of Thy love, I may immediately pass thence into Thine everlasting possessions.

Have mercy on all sinners, Jesus, I beseech Thee; turn their vices into virtues; and making them true observers of Thy law, and sincere lovers of Thee, bring them to bliss in everlasting glory.

Have mercy, also, on the souls in purgatory, for Thy bitter Passion, I beseech Thee, and for Thy glorious Name Jesus, O Blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on me.

Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death, even to the death of the cross.

Hear these petitions, O my most merciful Saviour, and grant me the grace so frequently to repeat and consider them, that they may prove easy steps whereby my soul may ascend to the knowledge, love and performance of my duty to Thee and my neighbour, through the whole course of my life. Amen.

(Our Father . . . Hail Mary . . . I believe in God . . .)

[The 15-Petition Jesus Psalter was widely used by Catholics in England during times of persecution, and was a favourite daily devotion with many of them.]