Discuss various subjects, including Church topics and world events, through the lens of Medjugorje.

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By BlueKnight
Hey if anyone was wondering I've done a lot of reseaerch about Remote Viewing. I've read about 3-4 books and reviewed the gold standard material. I've also prayed about it. My conculsion. This is another form of occult practice cleverly diguised and opens you up to Demonic possession or infestation.

Do not engage in this please and pray for those you know who are.


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By starbright
No, I never will. God bless
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By cjmg
If you don't mind explaining: what IS remote viewing? Never heard of it.
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By Daybreak
Remote viewing goes something like this: a person (a viewer) tries to describe a target (such as an object or a place) that is inaccessible to normal senses. The viewer cannot see the object due to distance, time or it is covered by something.

For example, a viewer might be asked to describe a a place a thousand miles away, where he has never visited. Or, he might be asked to describe an object hidden under a box. The more accurate he is, the more skilled a Remote viewer he is.

RV is related to clairvoyance or telepathy.

I dabbled in it a few times, "just for fun". At the time, I didn't question whether or not there was anything dangerous or occult about it. But, I changed my tune on this and pretty much came to the same conclusion as BlueKnight. RV can open up a person to demonic influence.
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By BlueKnight

I'm glad you think so. Its a very deceptive thing. Just like UFOs. Most remote viewers have had UFO experiences apparently. Little surprise to me since I frimly believe Aliens and UFOs are a Demonic Deception and are actually Demons from hell.


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By Covenant
Not everything is "demonic": not every mystery is "from hell".

Padre Pio had remote viewing abilities and could actually physically manifest himself in those places through a process we call "bi-location".

And UFOs aren't spirits: they appear in actual objects, some of which have crashed in Roswell New Mexico and other places. Aliens exist in bodies: demons don't have bodies.

The world is filled with mysteries out there. If it endangers your soul to look into these matters, then don't do so. But at the same time don't label everything "demonic" just because you don't understand it.
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By tina
the difference between remote viewing and authentic mystical experience is that remote viewing, there is a 'doing' to it.. an intent, which isa mental attempt of the will.

with mystical experience it simply happens thru grace when in deep prayer of the heart with no other motive than to love God, the blessed Mother and Jesus... there is no calculation .. no trying to have some vision or some experince.. simply put .. one way involves the heart.. the other involves the will, without God as ones center.

this is why remote viewing , as in attempts to contact the dead, have OBes and other stuff likened to it opens one up to the astral plane... as the person doing it has no concern for God or love as a motive but rather .. simply for sensation and enthrallment.. in short .. bad stuff.. keep away from it.
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By Covenant
Remote Viewing was also used by the CIA during the 1980s as an intelligence gathering exercise. Whether its effective or not is open to debate.
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By athenacp
I know that remote viewing is dangerous and is of demonic activity (the same as UFO's)I would not practice it, nor will I associate myself with anyone that has the capabilities (unfortunately you can't know all the people that do, but if you run across it)
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By starbright
I agree with Tina.

When there is a gift that you cultivate, that you actively try to learn and develop, for ends other than the glory of God, however innocuous they might seem, rather than a gift that is granted through grace for use only for the glory of God, then the gift is not being used in the way that it should and the devil is in there.

When I used to use the tarot, it was the sin of pride. I got good at it, through practice, through effort, but my aim was to find out more about what was going on in life for my own ends. If it was a reading for myself, then it was to gain greater insight into my own life for my own purposes, and when it was for someone else, it was to feel good that I had this 'power'. In short, the motivation was pride.

There was no free gift granted from God for his glory, and I was a pawn of the devil, doing his work and playing into his hands and I'm extremely lucky to have escaped.

Has anyone ever seen remote viewers interviewed on television? There is something rather frightening about their eyes, may I say.
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By tina
starbright.. you wrote," When I used to use the tarot, it was the sin of pride.'

you hit the nail on the head starbright.. this , as i see it is the underlying evil of newage-ism.. pride. this is why new age is so subtle and evil and incredibly dangerous.. it says in effect.."i am in control, i am god." i have actually heard people say this.. that they are god... and if they are not saying it blatantly , they are subtly saying it by doing these sorts of things with no regard for God, no love for God... no worship no reverence, they are above any form of obedience .. it is all about me me me.. and they dont care because they seriously think they are god or there is no god.. just what satan and his troop likes.

sadly they are unaware..most are anyway.... this is why i like praying the divine mercy novena... as this novena addresses it.. on holy week i was invited to two pagan events by friends.. one had to do with a drumming circle on the solistice.. another had to do with a channeling event on thursday.. those who invited me know i pray a lot so somehow to them this is equated as interest in ' higher things.".. now that IS sad. both of the women who asked me were sincere and are outstanding community members... when i told them ' no' and why.. they looked at me with pity.. like i was to ' traditional'.....

point being, it is these seemingly harmless things.. like attending a drumming circle that people are led astray.. it is not about having fun pounding on a drum that is dangerous.. but what lies behind it.. to be honest i don't know what that might be but i don't think it would have led to worship of the one living God..

i have said this before on this forum and i will say it again.. new age ism is a serious threat to our world.. at least here in the USA.. as it puts the power into the hands of man spiritually.. with NO regard for the love of God.. noone is in need of a Saviour within this movement.. as they think they are God...the ultimate in pride.

pray pray pray!

love tina
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By mamamary
very true tina!

i had no understanding of RV, but understood it to be a part of all that 'new age' stuff....they practice so many different things under that umbrella, that i never wished to bother with it.

like padre pio always said, The devil is like a rabid dog tied to a chain; beyond the length of the chain he cannot seize anyone. And you: keep at a distance. If you approach too near, you let yourself be caught. Remember that the devil has only one door by which to enter the soul: the will.”

for me, RV is standing too near that chained rabid dog! :)
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By Daybreak
mamamary, the rabid dog analogy works for me. :!:

I've had a little bit of experience with this and at first I thought it was a harmless game. But, something kept tugging at me, saying that this wasn't as innocent as it seemed, so I quit.

Part of the danger of RV is that the person doing is opening her mind to the the object or place, waiting for images to be placed therein. In doing so, she is opening her mind to anything, including demonic influence. Demons can travel from one side of the world to another in the blink of an eye. They can be with the viewer, travel to the object she is trying to view, then return to the viewer--all within a heartbeat. The demon, having visited the object, can then place the image in the viewers mind. This is a gateway for them to enter the viewer at other times for other reasons. Remote Viewing can be a doorway leading to other occultic things.

Some people mentioned Padre Pio. Others mentioned cultivating the "gift" of RV-ing. Padre Pio did not have to cultivate his gift. God gave it to him--no practicing required. Padre Pio, from what I understand, did not choose to bi-locate or to see events unfold a world away. God brought Padre Pio to where He willed Him to go, and as far as we know, the good father didn't ask to be sent to these places. Padre Pio was sent by God, for the Glory of God.

In Remote Viewing, the viewer is not doing it for the glory of god, but out of curiousity or for the glory of his/herself.
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By Covenant
John Paul II used to "remote view" every day, including a visit to Medjugorje.

His prayer was "geographical" and he said that he went to Medjugorje every day in his mind and prayed for a that everything would be fulfilled and that there be a "happy conclusion", meaning I suppose that the foretold Secrets occur and that the Church approved the apparitions.

Whether John Paul II's world prayer was actually remote viewing or simply a mental exercise, I don't know.
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By mamamary
...or JPII could have been bilocating! :D

this remote viewing sounds an awful lot like the premise behind that new age philosophy of 'the secret'.
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By starbright
Why does this thread always end up as the last one I read at night? I tend to get frightened at night by 'spooky' things and remote viewing is one of the things guaranteed to make me look over my shoulder and bless myself with holy water!
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By mamamary
so sorry!!! lets talk about pleasant things now! :D

what sort of taste treats did you have in your easter basket this year? any chocolate bunnies, or marshmellow peeps, perhaps jelly beans?

that should give you nice dreams (or indigestion!) :lol: :lol:
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By Covenant
I saw a program on remote viewing and how it was used by the CIA in the 1980s as an intelligence gathering tool.

This man said that he was given the co-ordinates of a site in China (or was it North Korea?) and told nothing else. In his mind's eye he visited the place...which looked like a normal building from the outside. But inside it was anything but normal: and it was several levels big underground.

Inside he saw the most terrible of experiments that were being conducted on human beings...what he saw made him weep for two days.

He claims that the US simply went in and took out the building.

True story? Who knows!

But this man said that remote viewing does exist, and therefore he recommended that in top secret facilities they put up a Mickey Mouse balloon or something like that to throw off the scent of Soviet remote viewers...

Ronald Reagan was a superstitious man, so he was open to these things. His vice president was not, so when Bush became president, he promptly disbanded such operations.
By AnotherMe
BlueKnight wrote:Hey if anyone was wondering I've done a lot of reseaerch about Remote Viewing. I've read about 3-4 books and reviewed the gold standard material. I've also prayed about it. My conculsion. This is another form of occult practice cleverly diguised and opens you up to Demonic possession or infestation.

Do not engage in this please and pray for those you know who are.


I just did a search on "is remote viewing demonic" and found this post. I used to post in this forum for years.

I'm not sure if remote viewing is demonic or not. I may have had episodes of remote viewing. Isn't it just one way of opening our potential that God has given us?
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By maryannlucy
Please do not engage in this practice. Although you may find that it is exciting and stimulating, you may have opened yourself up to deception. Through scriptures we know that the Jewish people in the Old Testament would often times fall into deception by burning incense to idols. They would set up altars and other such devotional things for pagan idolatry and sacrifice to baal, molech, and other demon deities even after all the ways that God had shown them that He was the true and living God. All of these practices were very offensive to the LORD. Their idolatry always resulted in punishment and dismay for the Jewish people.
By AnotherMe
maryannlucy wrote:Please do not engage in this practice. Although you may find that it is exciting and stimulating, you may have opened yourself up to deception. Through scriptures we know that the Jewish people in the Old Testament would often times fall into deception by burning incense to idols. They would set up altars and other such devotional things for pagan idolatry and sacrifice to baal, molech, and other demon deities even after all the ways that God had shown them that He was the true and living God. All of these practices were very offensive to the LORD. Their idolatry always resulted in punishment and dismay for the Jewish people.
But who determines what pagan practice is? The New Testament has lists of "gifts of the Spirit." I am in no position to come close to determining what these are. And don't forget, many Protestant Christians think that Marian Apparitions are "demonic." And dare I say that even some Catholics believe that Medjugorje itself is a demonic deception. So really, where does our plumb-line of what is true and what is no begin and end?
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By maryannlucy
I quickly looked through this thread and someone said that Padre Pio had a gift of bilocation which they thought could be extended to 'remote viewing.' However, Padre Pio didn't seek out any of the mystical gifts that he had and the sweetness of some of his mystical gifts went hand in hand with the terrible suffering of other gifts like the stigmata, transverberation, etc.... The people who are attempting to 'remote view' are seeking out this phenomenon. If God were to gift you with this ability, it would come to you without your seeking it.
Remote viewing is akin to second sight or clairvoyance which is a sin against the first commandment.

Second sight is a form of extrasensory perception, the supposed power to perceive things that are not present to the senses, whereby a person perceives information, in the form of a vision, about future events before they happen (precognition), or about things or events at remote locations (remote viewing). the supposed ability to perceive future or distant events; clairvoyance.
synonyms: fortune telling · divining · foretelling the future · forecasting the future · prophecy · prediction · soothsaying · augury · clairvoyance · second sight · magic · sorcery · witchcraft ·
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By Maryh
maryannlucy wrote: However, Padre Pio didn't seek out any of the mystical gifts that he had and the sweetness of some of his mystical gifts went hand in hand with the terrible suffering of other gifts like the stigmata, transverberation, etc....
Your so right Maryannlucy...this reminded me of how St. Teresa of Avila said not to ask for any extraordinary gifts from God, because
often they go 'hand in hand' & are accompanied with extraordinary trials of the soul.
God blesses us in numerous miraculous ordinary ways each day as it is without asking for & wanting more.
AnotherMe wrote: So really, where does our plumb-line of what is true and what is no begin and end?
Post Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:07 pm
I think its' to do with how these 'gifts' are being used and for what ends?
If they're for edification & the building up of the church its a good sign. If they are bringing nothing but confusion and being used as a means of control
and personal power & power over others; it's probably a reason to be wary. There will be bad fruit in evidence.

Hi...and good to see you both here Maryannlucy and Anotherme. :)
By AnotherMe
Maryh wrote:
maryannlucy wrote: However, Padre Pio didn't seek out any of the mystical gifts that he had and the sweetness of some of his mystical gifts went hand in hand with the terrible suffering of other gifts like the stigmata, transverberation, etc....
Your so right Maryannlucy...this reminded me of how St. Teresa of Avila said not to ask for any extraordinary gifts from God, because
often they go 'hand in hand' & are accompanied with extraordinary trials of the soul.
God blesses us in numerous miraculous ordinary ways each day as it is without asking for & wanting more.
AnotherMe wrote: So really, where does our plumb-line of what is true and what is no begin and end?
Post Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:07 pm
I think its' to do with how these 'gifts' are being used and for what ends?
If they're for edification & the building up of the church its a good sign. If they are bringing nothing but confusion and being used as a means of control
and personal power & power over others; it's probably a reason to be wary. There will be bad fruit in evidence.

Hi...and good to see you both here Maryannlucy and Anotherme. :)

Good to see you too.
But on a wide note, are you telling me Medjugorje doesn't add confusion?