Video: Medjugorje Orędzie Matki Bożej 2.10.2019
This video was posted on Youtube with the term Medjugorje, and then automatically shared here in our news source about Medjugorje. If it contains anything objectionable, please
This video was posted on Youtube with the term Medjugorje, and then automatically shared here in our news source about Medjugorje. If it contains anything objectionable, please
Young people come to Medjugorje and experience the Love of God here…Listen to their testimonies.
Catechesi fatta da padre Emanoel della Comunità Regina Pacis ai pellegrini italiani al salone Giovanni Paolo II il 30 settembre 2019. Padre Emanoel vive da 3 …
Une fois arrivé à Medjugorje, ce jeune homme est touché de façon très forte par la Grâce et il n’a plus qu’une seule envie de revenir encore à Medjugorje….
Let us try to love our Blessed Mother Mary more. When we praise the queen of heaven and earth, let us remember that it is the sacrifice of mother mary offering …
Alla Croce blu a Medjugorje l’apparizione della Regina della Pace alla veggente Mirjana. Riprese e video effettuati dai tanti fedeli presenti – 2 ottobre 2019.
(AUDIO/LISTEN) OUR LADY’S MESSAGE ON OCTOBER 2, 2019 “Dear children, The will and the love of the Heavenly Father make it so that I am among you, …
This video was posted on Youtube with the term Medjugorje, and then automatically shared here in our news source about Medjugorje. If it contains anything objectionable, please
This video was posted on Youtube with the term Medjugorje, and then automatically shared here in our news source about Medjugorje. If it contains anything objectionable, please
Queridos hijos: la voluntad y el amor del Padre Celestial hacen que yo esté aquí, en medio de ustedes, para ayudarlos con amor maternal al crecimiento de la …