Video: Medjugorje nossa senhora puro amor
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This video was posted on Youtube with the term Medjugorje, and then automatically shared here in our news source about Medjugorje. If it contains anything objectionable, please
Intervista a Padre Jozo di Medjugorje – Video di gennaio 2006.
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Preghiamo il Santo Rosario con la Madonna di Medjugorje.
Worshiping and praising the Lord at night in Medjugorje near the outside Altar at the St James Parish, facing statue of the Queen pf peace.
Fra Marinko Šakota guida la Preghiera di Guarigione all’esterno della Chiesa di San Giacomo a Medjugorje martedì 24 settembre 2019 – Video estratto da …
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Every 25th of each month, in Medjugorje, we have a 24hours full night adoration of the Holy Eucharist in the St James church. …
Queridos hijos, hoy os invito a orar por mis intenciones para que os pueda ayudar. Hijos míos, rezad el Rosario y meditad los misterios del Rosario, porque …