Video, photos, and message from July 2, 2019 apparition in Medjugorje
Video by Stella Mar Films and Queen of Peace Productions filmed during today’s apparition.
Today, July 2, 2019, at around 8:30 AM, Our Lady appeared to visionary Mirjana in front of the Blue Cross at the base of Apparition Hill.
After the apparition, Mirjana relayed the following message from Our Lady:
Dear children, according to the will of the merciful Father, I have given you, and will still give you, evident signs of my motherly presence.
My children, this is a motherly desire for the healing of souls. This is a desire that every child of mine may have true faith, to live to see wondrous experiences, drinking from the spring of the words of my Son—the words of life.
My children, my Son, by His love and sacrifice, brought the light of faith into the world and showed you the way of faith. Because, my children, faith elevates pain and suffering.
True faith makes prayer more sensitive,and does acts of mercy—a conversation, a gift of alms.
Those of my children who have faith—true faith—are happy despite everything because they live the beginning of heavenly happiness on earth. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I am calling you to give an example of true faith, to bring light where there is darkness, to live my Son.
My children, as a mother I am telling you: you cannot go on the way of faith and follow my Son without your shepherds.
Pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. May your prayers always be alongside them. Thank you.
Here are some photos and still shots from our video taken today:

SEE: Sisters of man who killed priest visit Medjugorje and stay tuned for an update on this article. These sisters (pictured above with filmmaker Cimela Kidonakis) were near Mirjana at today’s apparition, and it was almost as if Our Lady mentioned acknowledged the documentary they appear in by name, when she said: to bring light where there is darkness. Read more.
“I can’t explain it. It was so real. I believe I got more faith right now than I’ve had in a long time. I had doubts. I don’t now. You can just feel that presence. When she looked up, it’s like she was talking to her.” Read more…