Over the years, our little team at Stella Mar Films and Queen of Peace Productions has invited people with similar missions and media backgrounds to do internships with us. They always stay part of our team even after the internship is over.
We love sharing the opportunities and blessings we’ve been given through our work, allowing others to experience the beauty of spreading the message of Medjugorje, and passing down what we’ve learned with others.
Right now, we have two interns working with us in Medjugorje, and we hope to expand our internship program through the year if we can raise enough funding through the Apostles of Love Community.
Read a note from our most recent interns below.

A Note from Christopher and Jarred
Hello! We are Jarred and Christopher, and we love Medjugorje! In fact, we’re here right now doing an internship with Stella Mar.
We both recently graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville this past spring.
In 2017, while studying abroad in Gaming, Austria, we met on a weekend trip to Medjugorje. We formed a great friendship centered on our shared love of Our Lady and her apparitions here in Medjugorje.
Once we returned to the states, we both ended up in the same Men’s Marian Fraternity at Franciscan University: The Knights of the Holy Queen. The brotherhood was founded over 25 years ago and was directly inspired by the messages of Medjugorje.
From then on, our brotherhood has deepened in the united goal of serving Jesus and Mary.
We love Medjugorje and we are honored to serve alongside the team at Stella Mar Films and Queen of Peace Productions! These are incredible individuals with hearts of gold doing this work.
Our hope: That we can continue to serve Our Lord and Our Lady in whatever way we are called. Particularly in our favorite place in the world: this little village nestled between two hills.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.
– Christopher and Jarred

Interested in applying for an internship? Learn more.