Missing Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje on April 2, 2020

For many years, we’ve been bringing you videos of Our Lady’s apparitions to Mirjana and her messages for the world.

Although the second of the month apparitions have concluded, many people prayed today, April 2, 2020, in honor of Our Lady’s mission for “those who have yet to know God’s love.”

We made this short video to commemorate today

23 thoughts on “Missing Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje on April 2, 2020”

    • Medjugorje changed my life. Our Lady’s messages are changing the world and the pilgrims must continue to spread these beautiful messages and pray for the conversion is the whole world: To Jesus through Mary! Feeling very blessed on this Divine Mercy Sunday.

  1. Though I haven’t been to Medjugorje to this point I feel as though I have been a part of Medjugorje’s journey and Our Lady Gospa has been a part of my life, my growth, my journey. I hope that one day she will see to it that I and my 6 yr old daughter ‘Tilly’ pay homage to her in Medjugorje though already with us now.

    • Its been such a jiy ro be avle to relicw part of my visit in 1991, before the war
      We knew that it had to come to this one day. With cova-19, makes you wonder will our world ever be back to normal at the same time losing part of the on foing message from our Lady.
      I pray she, Queen of peace, crushes the head of satan.

  2. Our dear brothers, you are our connection with the place where we have lived so many wonderful things! Please continue! I’m always waiting for this connection to the place so dear to my heart!

    • I love listening to all the messages from the virgin mother to the visionary and appreciate all that I have heard and I’ve been to Medjugore once and always wanted to go back, Thank you for everything I can’t wait to hear the 25th message

  3. Thank you for this. Confusing, stay at home, days, but I joined you all in prayer at 1AM my time, April 2, 2020, 9AM Medjugorje time.
    Much love to Marijana.

  4. Thank you Sean and your wonderful team for your superb efforts in bringing Medjugorje to us when we ourselves are unable to go there. You have no idea just how valuable your work has been and, indeed, continues to be. Many, many thanks too to Miki for this latest video. Above all, my profound gratitude to Our Lady for all her visits and intercessions and my heartfelt appreciation and admiration of the visionaries for their witness, prayers and dedication to sharing these messages. All my hugs and kisses xxx

  5. Yes, it hurts to hear that the Our Lady won’t be appearing to Mirjana anymore. I could feel her pain of not able to receive her messages anymore, but we continue to be the Lord’s ambassadors to spread the Lord’s message of love and mercy even if though we are going through the storms. Mama Mary Intercede for us to your son to give us the grace, wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and most of all love to forgive every one even the abortionist. For the Lord is overly and beyond offended. Have mercy on us all. Give us the grace to persevere in your name Jesus Christ and mama Mary protect us. Thank you Mirjana for your love. You are in my prayers. Peace be with us all.

  6. Our mother is beside us just pray and she will hear us and help us..Glory to our mother of all nations..The fater The son and the 1 holy spirit..🙏🙏

  7. Thanks so much for the update…may mama Mary. Intercept for all of us and all our prayers be granted… specially to the people of medjugorje…we hope and pray along with you that she comes back n consoles us during this hour of crises. Ave Maria… amen

  8. I loved watching the video. I felt so at home listening and watching it.
    I will be in union on the 2nd of every month, by praying the rosary in thanksgiving for the messages.

  9. Beautiful. So sad to see the empty road. We have had a great gift for so many years. She is such a good loving Mama and is still with us especially when we pray the rosary in our own homes.

  10. My Loving Mother Mary, Please be with us all, and Please Pray For all of us, who are going through these bad times here on earth. Pray for the ones who refuse to give their hearts to your, Gracious, Loving, Son, Jesus Christ, Our Only Salvation. I Love You my Mother Mary, Please be with us, and I know Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Watching over us all also. AMEN. 🙏

    • Thank you Miranja. Thank you Miki. And most gracious thanks to Our Lady Queen of Peace. My heart feels your sadness, it feels like when you grieve the death of a loved one. I was fortunate to visit Medjugorje 5 times with my Sister who is now with our Lord. It’s been around 10 years since her passing that I haven’t returned to Medjugorje but it’s like Miranja says as though many years pass it’s like the first day when I hear her beautiful and inspiring messages they have always touched my heart in a special way. Iv’e always felt Miranja, Miki and Medjugorje as my home. I send my Gratitude and gracious thanks to Our Lady for her time she spent with us consoling our hearts. The numerous miracles so many experienced including myself. The immense peace that I always came home with. Our Lady’s messages continually repeated over and over to us…to Pray, Pray, Pray..
      Thank our Lady for allowing all visionaries to share your beautiful messages to the world! I know you’re with us just as your Son Jesus, that although you won’t be present on the 2nd of each month, spiritually as always you will remain with me and all your children. Miranja and Miki it was a pleasure and joy sharing such glorious pilgrimages with you. Thank you for your hospitality! I still hope to visit again. My prayers remain with all of you! May our Lady continue to intercede on our behalf for all that is seen and unseen and for all unbelievers. “those who have yet to know God’s love.” Especially during this new transition, traumatic time we are passing thru. May God bless Medjugorje… (Heaven on Earth), all it’s community and all humanity. Our Lady our Lord protect us and keep us safe. Always strong in Hope and Faith. Blessings to you all➕ Elizabeth

  11. Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje for continued prayer on the second if the month. We need that support to continue what our Lady started.
    Through Our Lady wars were.stopped or averted so too we must believe through prayer she can put an end to this virus and Jesus, her son, our Savior, will heal us, physically and spiritually and our
    land(the world). Thank you, Our Lady.

  12. It’s hard to hear that your monthly visits to Mirjana have halted. I can only think that it brought great sadness for Mirjana. Your visits were a source of love and comfort to her and many around the world. Mama Mary, you brought heaven to us with a mother’s love, and as only you, our Gospa, can do, you wrapped the many warnings of the Father’s wrath to come in consoling love. I know Gospa you are still with us. I love you Mother Mary, our Gospa.

  13. It is with overwhelming feeling of Love for Our Lady in Medjugorje .. For the opportunity to have been there with pilgrims, friends and family that is so embedded in my heart.. I pray united with All in Love and especially with Mirjana who has been and continues to be a guiding light for us..
    We pray here with friends.. for Gods Mercy and Our Lady’s intercession
    To help in this time , For an end to This virus and conversion throughout the world , 🙏💙

  14. We sincerely thank you for all you have done and continue to do to bring to the world the messages of Medjugorje. We are so very grateful! We will keep Mirjana in our prayers. May Our Dear Lord and Our Dear Mother give her strength and grace as she fulfills her mission for them. God bless you all, Judy Webber

  15. I know Our Lady was doing the Will of Her Son and the Eternal Father to step back, but She has left Miranja, with so much that was given to all of those present over the years to remember and keep within our hearts. I give thanks to Our Lady that I was able to travel in 2004. My prayers are with all. Amen

  16. I will never forget my visit to Medjugorje in 2002. I was not cured physically but spiritually I have grown and followed Mirijana’s apparitions. Thank you, Mother Mary, and thank you, Mirijana for contributing to my spiritual growth. Let us remember during this virus crisis that all things are possible with God and Mary is leading us there. Blessings to all. Julie Mc

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