Today, August 2, 2019, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana. See the message, video, and photos below.
Yesterday, August 1, 2019 was the opening ceremony for the 30th annual Mladifest, or Youth Festival, in Medjugorje. Thousands of young pilgrims from around the world are in Medjugorje to celebrate, as well as a special delegation from the Vatican (see our article Pope’s Vicar in Medjugorje for Youth Festival).
This morning, before the apparition, pilgrims joined the parishioners of Medjugorje for a sunrise climb up Apparition Hill to pray the rosary. See the photos in the gallery below, along with photos from the Youth Festival and today’s apparition.
Message to Mirjana Soldo of August 2, 2019
Today, August 2, 2019, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana Soldo near the Blue Cross at the base of Apparition Hill. After the apparition, Mirjana reported that Our Lady gave the following message for the world:
Dear children,
Great is the love of my Son. If you were to come to know the greatness of His love, you would never cease to adore and thank Him.
He is always alive with you in the Eucharist, because the Eucharist is His Heart. The Eucharist is the heart of faith.
He has never left you. Even when you tried to go away from Him, He has not [left] you. That is why my motherly heart is happy when I watch how you—filled with love—return to Him, when I see that you are coming to Him by the way of reconciliation, love, and hope.
My motherly heart knows that when you set out on the way of faith, you are shoots—buds. But along with prayer and fasting you will be fruits, my flowers, apostles of my love; you will be carriers of light and will illuminate all those around you with love and wisdom.
My children, as a mother I am imploring you: pray, think, and contemplate. Everything beautiful, painful and joyful that happens to you—all of this makes you grow spiritually, so that my Son may grow in you.
My children, surrender yourselves to Him, believe Him, trust in His love, let Him lead you. Let the Eucharist be the place where you will feed your souls, and afterwards, will spread love and truth—will bear witness to my Son.
Thank you.
Medjugorje Photos – August 1 & 2
By Stella Mar Films and Foto Dani
[envira-gallery slug=”medjugorje-august-1-2-2019″]
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Latest iMedjugorje: Ben from Scotland
*NOTE: Ben is the son of Magnus, founder of Mary’s Meals, which feeds 1.5 million children in schools around the world. “I’ve been coming to Medjugorje all my life, partly for Mary’s Meals and my dad’s work there, and also on pilgrimages, especially to the Youth Festival. I’ve been to 6 of the last 7. It’s been a massive part of my life always.” Read more… |