Tomorrow, April 2, 2020, will be the first time in many years that Mirjana Soldo of Medjugorje will not experience an apparition of Our Lady on the second of the month.
These “extraordinary apparitions” on the second of each month took place in addition to Mirjana’s annual apparitions which occur every year on March 18th.
Although Mirjana will continue to have the annual apparitions on March 18 for the rest of her life, the end of the second of the month apparitions means that she will only see Our Lady once each year instead of 13 times as in previous years.
Our Lady’s stated intention for the second of the month apparitions was to pray for all those who do not yet know God’s love.
Each morning, and even the night before, thousands of people would crowd around the Blue Cross in anticipation of the miraculous event. The crowds consisted of almost every nationality, but the majority of the pilgrims who came to these apparitions were from Italy, which, now, is one of the countries suffering the most in the Coronavirus pandemic.
Each morning on the second of each month, Mirjana would leave her home in Medjugorje and walk to the Blue Cross, stopping along the way to warmly greet some of the waiting pilgrims. She would then kneel and pray until the moment Our Lady appeared. The expression on Mirjana’s face whenever the apparition began was alone enough to convince some of the hardest skeptics that she was experiencing something profound.
These apparitions continued all the way up until March 2, 2020.
As you may know, however, on March 18, 2020—during this year’s annual apparition—Our Lady told Mirjana that she would no longer be appearing to her on the second of each month. Although Mirjana knew that this day would eventually come, she cried for days and has been praying intensely ever since then.
Read the March 18, 2020 message from Our Lady and see the message in video.
The second of the month apparitions may be over, but that doesn’t mean that Our Lady’s work is done, nor is Mirjana’s mission for unbelievers. On the contrary, the world needs our prayers now more than ever.
Although Mirjana remains sad that she will not be having these monthly apparitions any longer, she will pray the rosary at 9 AM tomorrow, April 2, 2020.
Mirjana’s longtime translator and local pilgrimage guide Miki Musa—who was responsible for writing down and translating Our Lady’s messages when Mirjana recounted them after each apparition—proposed the idea of joining in prayer on the second of every month in honor of Our Lady’s mission for unbelievers.
We invite you and your loved ones to pray at 9 AM on April 2, whether that is 9 AM in your time zone, or when it’s 9 AM in Medjugorje (or both), and continue to do so on the 2nd of each month.
Also consider reading some of Our Lady’s last messages that she has given during these apparitions.e
*If you decide to take part in these prayers, please post your comments and reflections below or at the Medjugorje Live page on Facebook.

More Resources
Read Mirjana’s autobiography, My Heart Will Triumph
Read testimonies from pilgrims at
Experience the life-changing grace of Medjugorje in the film Apparition Hill
Live the messages of Our Lady daily with the iMedjugorje App
Watch videos of Mirjana’s apparitions at the Stella Mar Films youtube channel
Own volume one of the new iMedjugorje book of pilgrim testimonies
Stay up to date with the latest news, videos and reports at
May the good Lord and our sweet Blessed Mother be with us as we try to carry on without her presence to Mirjana on the 2nd of each month. Thank you to the Blessed Mother for always leading us to Jesus. Thank you Mirjana for all your help, as well…🙏✨✨✨
Our Blessed Mother is always present and will always do 🙏, she won’t leave us, she is protecting us from the virus by avoiding the big gathering of people close one to other at the blue cross! Trust her, she comes to us when we pray and when we need her! God bless you 🙏 and keep you safe… Souheila
Fully agree with you Souheila! Well said!
I want to Thank Our Lady Queen of Peace for her earthly presence for a long. I lift up the whole world for healing. May the gracious light of Christ illuminate our way through these times. I pray the peace of Medjuorie for its people and pilgrims, Holy Mother Church and our priests. May the Holy Spirit ignite our hearts to be the light of Christ in these dark times. Our Lady, Help us know the Will if your Son & act upon it. Please protect our families with your mantle and bring us total conversion of heart. I will pray with Mirjana.
Guardian Angel, please awaken me at 7am so that I will be ready to recite the rosary to Our blessed Mother.
I will pray with her..if our lady wants that,it is the least I can do.
We will be joining in with Mirjana to pray for all who do not know God’s love.
Dan and Lee Anne Devine
Heart Two Heart Ministries Inc.
Thank you very much for this wonderful idea. I will join Mirjana and Mike Musa every 2nd of the month at 9:00 a.m. in praying the rosary. wherever I will be, whether I am in U. S. or in Asia or somewhere else.
Prayer from Fleming island Florida at 9am
Queen of peace pray for us 🙏🙏🙏♥️
We will pray the rosary at 9am every 2nd of the new month to share with Mariajna to Mary the rosary.
We will continue praying the rosary for unbelievers and for the whole world just as mother wants us to do. Our lady will be there with us as she always is. Please give us strength to persevere.
I will pray with her. So blessed to do so. I am praying in union with all others who accept our Mother Mary requests. God bless Mirjana and all her family. Sandy from Michigan USA
Praying for the conversion on non-believers. And Marjana. God’ s will be done.
Debbie Beach
What a beautiful continuation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As for me and my family we belong to Jesus and Mary. May many” who do not know God yet “be touched by Our Gospa.
For those who have yet to come to experience God’s Love and Mercy. God’s love is mercy and God’s mercy is love. We pray for the World as we enter the final days of Christ’s passion death and reserection. We pray for medjourgie the Seers and its people. Come holy spirit fill our hearts with your mercy
I am extremely appreciative to God, Our Father, His Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for the love shown to us through the Blessed Mother’s visits to remind us of their love for us as we transition through this life to eternal life.
This must be so sad for Mirjana!! But I believe Mary our mother wants to protect Mirjana and other pilgrams by ending the large close gatherings at this time. I pray for all residents, families, pilgrams and religious in Medjugorje. Stay safe and stay home sweet friends. Love and prayers in Christ, Loretta
I will be praying with you all!! May Our Lady of Medjugorje continue to pray for us and be with us through these times and always!!! Jesus, have mercy on us . St. Joseph pray for us. We love You save souls!
Tiffany Johnelle
Thank you Virgin Mary for your guidance and love 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I’m going to miss the 2nd of the month apparitions too as I always looked forward to the messages that were given to Marijana. I will continue to
pray for unbelievers.
May the Blessed Mother hear our prayers as we try to not feel sad. We know she is there hearing everyone’s prayer. Thank you Mother for always trying to reach your children and bring us to her son Jesus.
I will pray the rosary tomorrow April 2nd.
Thank you Mother Mary for loving us so much that you’ve come to bring all of your children to know the love and mercy of your Son, Jesus. Praying the rosary with all of you for unbelievers and those whose hearts are hardened.
“FEAR” – WISDOM OF SOLOMON 16:12-13 – “Fear is nothing but the failure to use the help that reason gives. When you lack the confidence to rely on reason, you give in to the fears caused by ignorance.” – Reference: Good News Bible GNT – (A Catholic Bible)
Thank you momma for your guidance and love. I hope that I am following God’s plan for me. Help me to see His will. Please help my husband to know you. Please help my children so they can come back to you. I love you
I love the idea to pray the rosary each second of month.
I will pray here in Florianópolis, Brasil.
Manu love to Mirjana and her family.
I will be praying a rosary at 9 am in Chicago. Thank you for the opportunity to unite in prayer.
The Bartolic’ family will joint In our prayers 🙏🏼
Will be praying for intentions and non believers as requested
What is the time difference in time from Medjugorje and United States. I will pay for peace for the world so the people who do not believe will come to know your son Jesus.
I will pray with you at 9am central time. The world is realizing that now we must pray harder than we ever have before. We have hope that Our Blessed Mother loves us and is with us in this trial.
United in prayer with Mirjana for this purpose.
Hvaljen Isus i Marija.
Kathleen Luz
Dear Mother Mary, please ask your son Jesus for a miracle like you did at the Wedding of Cana; the miracle for complete eradication of the Covid-19. Ask your son for mercy for his world. I love you Mother Mary; please intercede on behalf of our world. In Jesus’ name I pray.
What a blessing to have the opportunity to join with believers throughout the world in praying the rosary TOGETHER. Thank you💕
This will make our lady so happy, especially at this time in history.
United in Prayer for the conversion is just what the Blessed Mother is calling for us to do!!
May God bless and protect our heaven on earth, Medjugorje and its blessed people who are like family!!
Thank you Mirjana- you have been a light of heaven to us all and you always will be!!!
Dearest Marjana, Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices all those years🙏 I can imagine how sad you feel for not seeing our Mother Mary every 2nd of the month again, but I’m sure she will be talking to you every minute because she will always be in your pure heart.
Pray for us not fall into temptation, and to stay strong in defeating Satan and his horrific work on earth.
Can’t wait to join you in prayer at 9:00 am today 🙏💗💗🌹
Yes, dear friends of Gospa, l will join in Praying the Rosary on the 2nd of each month. God Bless.
I will continue to pray every other day for unbelievers, joining Mirjana greetings from Poland Daniel
I will definitely be joining. Thank you for the brilliant idea.
Uniting in prayer
Dear Mirjana and Miki…
Thank you Thank you Thank you… always for all your love and all the blessings you’ve given so many for so many years… simply by saying yes to our Holy Mothers requests…
Although my heart goes out to you and Miki and your families… as I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you both… know that we all join you in your sadness.., Our Gospa’s message of hope and love was something we all looked forward to every month…
And this will be greatly missed. However, what an incredible blessing we’ve had for so many many years… to which we must give such great thanks to our Holy Mother and her constant unfailing love for her Son and for all of us.🙏
Our families prayers will gladly join you both in solidarity each 2nd of the month at 9, and with all others who can join you… prayers for all the unbelievers… for all those that do not yet know God’s Love…
All glory to God!!! And like the great Saint John Paul II declared… And let us join him…declaring: Totus Tuus (Totally Yours) when expressing his love of our Gospa.
God Bless you Mirjana and Miki,
Dcn Patrick Bartolic and Family
Newport Beach
I am so happy to join Mirjana, Miki, their families and all those joining in to pray the Rosary for Our Lady’s intentions! These united prayers will certainly help bring much needed comfort to Mirjana and what better way to answer Our Mother’s call to pray, pray, pray! Praise be Jesus and Mary!
Our lady our mother please ask your Son Jesus for a miracle to help the world of thus virus and in all the ways we need healing. Mother he will refuse you nothing therefore i/we ask your Son our brother our kind and our God to have mercy on the whole world and we may all rejoice in knowing that nothing is impossible to God. Thank you Mary for everything. Glory to the father the don and the holy spirit. Thsnk you WITH LOVE Trisha xx
Rated this mornjng April 2nd wuth Mirjana in spirit at the Blue Cross in thanksgiving fir Our Lady’s Messages & Apparitions for so many years and also for Our Ladys reason for coming to Convert all the Unbelievers who are far from
God.Moira Cross.U.K.
I am so happy to join in saying the Rosary on the 2nd of each month.
I will be joining praying the rosary on this very special day, and every day.
I am sorry for your loss of seeing the Blessed Mother every month. We will try to say the rosary on the second of each month at 9:00 or thereafter. I have been following you since the beginning and am saddened that I will no longer e able to share in the Blessed Mothers message.
Gillette, New Jersey
“Pray for all those who do not yet know
Gods love”, Our beautiful Blessed Mother’s words will be in my heart and my intentions as we pray the rosary together with the world. Thank you Mirjana….. Love to you and your family. God the Father , Jesus, and the Holy Spirit bless us all.
Joining spiritually with all who are praying. 🙏🏻❤️🔥🌹
Yes I will be joining in the holy rosary with mirjana the Ireland time is different but I’ll figure it out Our Lady Queen Of Peace Pray For Us Amen
Be assured My family and I will join in the Rosary on the 2nd of each month in 9am UAE time in Honour of Our Blessed Mother and all her Intentions.
I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be present in the street below Blue Cross on August 2nd of 2019 during my pilgrimage and stay with Mirjana. I have been thinking of her each 2nd of the month since. I will unite myself in prayer with Mirjana and all those with her for the conversion of unbelievers, those who do not have God in their hearts.
I just prayed the rosary (9am EST … near Boston). I prayed for all those who do not yet know God’s love … like I often do. I think of those in this world, in my country, and particularly the many if not most of my family and friends who don’t know to turn to God to find peace and hope. I pray that we all will remember to turn back to Jesus during this particularly trying time to experience His Love again and again. I pray for Mirjana, for all the Visionaries, for Pope Francis, for all leaders and servers of the Church, for all fighting this pandemic (doctors, nurses, hospital workers, those doing essential jobs right now), as well as (of course) Covid-19 patients, those who have died and their grieving families).
Mary, please lead us all to your son. Let us turn back to all the messages you’ve left us (and will continue to do, just not as frequently) through all the Visionaries. Help us to keep our eyes on Heaven. Help us to become apostles of your love, so that you and your Son can work through us to enable more and more people who do not yet do so, come to experience God’s love. Thank you!
If you feel compelled, please let’s follow and encourage each other on Twitter … @WitnessingGod
I send my love, prayers and gratitude to Mirjana, and to all who have worked tirelessly to bring us these updates. I pray for God’s love to carry us through this time and for God’s divine will to manifest in each of our hearts and that of our families. I pray that our eyes would be opened to how we can be of service to God’s will at this time. I pray for those who do not currently know the LOVE OF GOD, that their hearts will be softened and awakened, as well as for all of us. May we find our way on the path to our Salvation, all of us! Love, Lauren
My Guardian Angel woke me up at 3am(my time) to pray with Mirjana at 9am. What a blessing! May God Bless all of you!
I prayed at 9am for one hour to be with the world in this very difficult time. I feel for Mirjana as I know she is experiencing great sadness at not having her 2th of the month apparition. Mirjana is a very blessed person. I pray constantly to our Blessed Mother and our Dear Lord for strength to be positive and strong at this difficult time. I constantly say to myself “Do not be afraid”. Thank you Blessed Mother and our Dear Lord for your protections.
Mir, this is what I took home with me from my last October 5th pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Mirjana,you are so beautiful. Your faith and joy shines for all time now. The apparitions began three days before my marriage to Steve, we’ve been following you all ever since. Thank you from our hearts for your consistent part in our faith journeys. Our Lady gave me two separated wafts of roses at her side at the Blue Cross on October 10, 2019 . Due to the fact I have watched the TV versions of you at the apparitions I knew just where to sit and look up to imagine her showering us all with her great love. It was so beautiful to be in her arms. It was a gift. Knowing there will be “more,” I am assured that you will enjoy a new peace, one that is meant just for you! Jesus also gave me water from His knee. You live in a surely Holy Place with the arms of so many around the world wrapping you up in their love and affection for you. We are in this together. Our Lady has given the world the gift of YOU!!!!! Thank you so much dear sister in Christ! I will always pray with you, just as I always have! Amen. And God Bless!
Praying the rosary at 9:00 am Pacific time from Oregon, U.S.
Mir, mir, mir
Mapybe mirjana could stream the rospary live so wpe could join saying the holy mysteries with her. Thank you and God Bless.
Maybe Mirjana could stream the rosary live so we could join saying the mysteries with her. Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you for this gift of praying in solidarity. We prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries during our SoulCore Rosary at 9a ET, offering intentions for Mirjana and all of Medjugorje. Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us.
Dearest Mirjana & Miki, THANK YOU for offering up your daily lives to help a sinner like me to hear the words of Our Beloved Mother Mary & to be part of the Medjugorje apparitions on 2nd of each since 1987. I am so sad for you Mirjana, but due to this awful & dangerous Coronavirus, I guess our Heavenly Mother decided it was time – also She knew that eventually the whole world would have to close down until this virus ends. It’s safer now that we are all in ‘lockdown’. Thank you for all you have done to spread Our Holy Mother’s very urgent messages. I have a Medjugorje Rosary Group that a friend & I started in 1988 & we have it every Tuesday. As we are now, for the first time in 32 years, not able to meet I will ask the group to pray with you in Medj at 9am on the 2nd of each month. Thank you for all your love & for giving up your whole life for me – so that I too could be saved & one day go to our Heavenly Home. I will keep you in my prayers, especially on the 2nd of each month. Your pain at not seeing Our Lady on a monthly basis, must be unbearable. May our Heavenly Father & His Holy Mother Mary, keep you safely in Their Hearts. Thank you so much for all your sufferings for those who have not yet come to know the Love of God & for your joys at seeing so many convert & come back to Jesus, like I did. I will continue to pray for those people who have not yet found God. My love to you both, Jude (South Africa)
I have never been to Medjugorje but would love to go in the future. I thank the Blessed Mother for her apparitions all these years on the 2nd of each month. Mirjana has truly been blessed to see Our Lady and speak with her. I hope and pray one day that I will be able to see Our Lady and that she will hold my hand to enter the Kingdom to meet with her Son. Our Lord is with each of us especially in these dark times. His Mother will always continue to pray for us and help us in our needs if only we ask of her. God Bless Us All
I PRAYED 9:00 am April 2 in Georgia also. I felt united with the Blessed Mother and Mirajana in Prayer.
Now, I look here and am so happy to see so many of us joined together in prayer.
This is uplifting. I have been saying a Rosary every night since the Coronavirus for the world and everyone.
Now, on the 2nd of the month we can all do a special Rosary for those who do not yet know God.
Of course,it is high time for everyone go on prayer . The entire world has to prove the true love that comes from God. Our Lady helps every believer in the way back to the owner of hope and the everlasting life. Thank you,Gospa !
9am Medjugorje time is 3am in my time zone. I cannot think of a better time to be in prayer with Mirjana and her group praying the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy…3-4pm and 3-4am is the hour of Grace.
It is said that between 3am and 6am the veil that separate us in this world from the other side is the thinnest.
I also believe that if you, spontaneously, wake up around 3am, someone is in need of prayers…so we should make an effort to get into praying for Holy Souls.
God Bless and keep you and your family safe.
The only option we have right now is praying for each other, for those battling for their life and for those who have lost their lives without the benefits of the Sacraments, while remembering those in the front line who, bravely and courageously are battling an invisible enemy.